Tuesday, June 18

"All students should master a verifiable set of skills, but not necessarily the same skills."

The second concern is justifying the Common Core on the highly dubious notion that college and career skills are the same. On its face, the idea is absurd. After all, do chefs, policemen, welders, hotel managers, professional baseball players and health technicians all require college skills for their careers? Do college students all require learning occupational skills in a wide array of careers? In making the "same skills" claim, proponents are really saying that college skills are necessary for all careers and not that large numbers of career skills are necessary for college.

How did this "same skills" idea emerge?
What is the value of what is taught in college? Who needs to learn what? When you spend your own $, you need to ask these questions of yourself and your school. When one is spending other people's money (taxes into student aid), one is also obliged to ask these questions without mercy.

Edit/Follow up -
A recent NY District Court ruling on unpaid internships prompts the clever post headline:
Paying to Learn Nothing = Legal
Paying Nothing to Learn = Illegal

(Short article and links to related)