Wednesday, October 31

Romney fakes storm relief event

From the Atlantic Wire:
"Mitt Romney was really concerned that his 'Storm Relief Event' in Kettering, Ohio yesterday would look like a dud, so he and his team stocked their donation tables with $5,000 worth of supplies at Walmart. The props, according to Buzzfeed's McKay Coppins, were things like granola bars, canned food, and diapers which were strategically placed to make sure that the photographs taken at Romney's 'Storm Relief' campaign didn't a show very un-busy, un-stocked relief table (what else do you expect when you give people short notice to donate their canned goods?)."
This sort of disingenuous gesture reminds me of something his running-mate did a few weeks ago.

A $5,000 Shopping Run to Walmart Turned Romney's Campaign Stop into a 'Relief Event' (The Atlantic Wire)